Cultivating Wholeness

As a Purpose Guide, Mentor, Teacher, and Creative Catalyst, I have compassionately supported people around the globe who are ready to rediscover their inner wisdom, gifts, and purpose.

I offer a unique perspective from a long career working with business leaders, entrepreneurs, creatives, coaches, therapists, and social change agents. I also bring a 20+ year grounding in various meditation practices, consciousness studies, and training ranging from shamanism to cross-cultural leadership.

Transformative Mentoring and Purpose Discovery are the primary ways I work with clients. Explore the options below and see if either are a fit for wherever you find youself on the journey.

I look forward to working with you.

In service,

Transformative Mentoring

Embodying purpose is a lifelong journey. It's easy to lose sight of our path or get blown off course by inner and outer obstacles.

Through Transformative Mentoring, I offer guidance and compassionate accountability to help reconnect with your inner wisdom.

These sessions meet you where you are, focusing on whatever is most alive for you. Whether you seek to realign with your truth, nurture your soul, or find your uniqueness to enrich life with your gifts, transformative mentoring can help you find and follow your calling.

Ways you can use your mentoring sessions

  • Naming and claiming your authentic powers and gifts.

  • Calibrating your soul-centric values—your compass for orienting your life towards what is true and meaningful.

  • Cultivating your business strategy—including defining your audience/s, vision, message, services, and delivery systems.

  • Exploring purpose in your encore years—the second half of life.

  • Practical & tactical ways to bring your work to the marketplace or community.

  • Weaving spirituality into work/life.

  • Working with internal/external resistances and inner critics.

  • Claiming your worth and sovereignty.

  • Developing your intuition.

  • Finding the thread of your story.

  • Rekindling your relationship with your heart.

  • Enlisting soulful accountability.

  • Receiving creative assignments to deepen your exploration.

Purpose Discovery Journey

You may be at a crossroads or looking to make a meaningful impact on the world. In this deep journey of discovery, you will explore life’s perennial questions: What is my purpose in life? How can I serve life in my unique way?

What you’ll receive:

  • Eight in-depth purpose discovery modules with weekly assignments.

  • Eight 75-minute live guided sessions.

  • Access to a library of recorded meditations and creative soul-encounter experiences.

  • Personal accountability.

  • A tangible purpose framework reflecting your vision, values, powers, essence, transformational process, message, mission, and delivery systems.

S.S,. North Carolina / Purpose Discovery Journey

“An accomplished guide, one whose own courageous engagement with life and whose gift for the creative naturally shine through as Brody leads people to new depths.”

S.K,, Turkey / Transformative Mentoring

“Brody is a one-of-a-kind teacher, mentor, guide, who owns his medicine deep in his heart and offers it in such a unique and soulful way.”