Generous Offerings from Across the Globe

My Purpose journey work with Brody was one of the most amazing and powerful experiences of my life!

Kevin Hartley, CEO Cambio Coffee | Former Chief Innovation Officer, Keurig

“ If you are looking for a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose, Brody will skillfully guide you on a journey of introspection to help manifest the what and why of your soul, so you can manifest the how.”

Under Brody’s sage guidance, I discovered profound insights about myself. The work we did exceeded all my expectations. 

Under Brody’s sage guidance, I discovered profound insights about myself. The work we did exceeded all my expectations. With each phase of discovery, I pulled back the layers to reveal my true essence. I was surprised to find the modules that pushed me the farthest out of my comfort zone were the most enlightening and sublime experiences!  This process was a gift to myself, one that has brought deeper, richer meaning to my life and my daily being.  - CG, California

You are a wonderful mentor. I gained so much from our work together and from being part of the beloved sacred community that you beautifully cultivated. The period we worked together coincided with a huge time of growth in my life and you offered me the exact supports I needed to bravely step forward into what was being asked of me. But this wasn’t just for me. I witnessed your gifted ability to offer each of us the exact medicine we needed to take the next step toward the call in our hearts. I have been longing and seeking community that supports my soul to shine and I found it in our work together.- B.K.,PhD, Colorado

Your gifted ability to offer each of us the exact medicine we needed to take the next step toward the call in our hearts

Brody is a wise facilitator, guide, and carrier of medicine

Brody is a wise facilitator, guide, and carrier of medicine. He skillfully balances deep integrity and humility with powerful clarity and a commitment to soul that can illuminate new territory for those peering beyond the edges of their experience. Brody is a thoroughly trustworthy and accomplished guide, one whose own courageous engagement with life and whose gift for the creative naturally shine through as he leads people to new depths. - S.S., North Carolina

I am now able to identify my resistance and my fears, and to consciously chose how to relate to them with the tools Brody helped me develop.

I not only feel more confident in myself, but I also feel more confident in my ability to pursue my purpose. I benefitted immensely from diving into what it is that makes me feel alive, and reflecting on the stages and steps to getting there. It was such a gift to have Brody's help to reflect on how I could contribute to a larger goal, and to see my personal skills and gifts in relationship to it. I also feel deeply that the individual inner work I did with Brody's guidance helped me to begin to clear barriers that would have prevented me from pursuing my highest manifestation of life. Even on the smallest of scales, I am now able to identify my resistance and my fears, and to consciously chose how to relate to them with the tools Brody helped me develop. - S.K., Turkey

Deeply transformational

Brody has this incredible, deeply moving, grounded sense of being, and it was visible in every communication we had together. I never felt anything but compassion and support from Brody, and I never questioned his dedication and support to helping me grow.

I feel eternally grateful that I had the opportunity to benefit from his work and time. Brody has a deeply transformational power that I believe his compassion and empathy would allow him to gift to anyone—personality and life stage aside. - K.T., California

The most outstanding teacher I have ever had.

It was the practical support, the professional deep level of involvement and the true interest in my success on the soul discovery path that made Brody the most outstanding teacher I have ever had—skilful, trustworthy, empathic, and wise. - O.J., Russia

Brody has this unique ability to guide you back home and to who you really are. He engages, inspires and gently guides you on your path, and at the same time, he challenges you when you feel a little stuck, or you are experiencing some kind of resistance. He is really dedicated to his work as a purpose guide, and one can soon see that this is a man that is truly aligned with his soul. He is warm, loving and attentive. I have only good things to say about Brody, and I can not recommend him highly enough if you are looking for someone to guide you back home to your soul purpose. Brody helped me realign with myself and my purpose, and for that I am forever grateful. I have complete trust in him and his skills as a purpose guide. - M.R., Sweden

If you are looking for someone to guide you back home to your soul purpose.

I feel a clear sense of direction and the steps I need to take to begin to implement and manifest my purpose in this world.

- L..T,California

If you truly want to learn about your own personal purpose and embody it.

I have experienced Brody in the Purpose Discovery Program as a loving and kind mentor full of wisdom and deep spirituality. Right from the start he provided an inviting and safe space where mutual trust could freely flow. With great sensitivity, Brody picked up on images and sentiments that held the keys to profound truths; some provided answers, others were doorways to terrain to be explored further. Even when we arrived at critical passages of our common journey he remained calm and gentle with never-waiving support. I highly recommend Brody as mentor and purpose guide if you truly want to learn about your own personal purpose in life and embody it.  - T.B. Germany 

Brody is an insightful, deeply compassionate and soulful purpose guide.

Brody's mentorship of our small group was inspired. He eased our painful difficulties with empathy and skill. He artfully led me in guided explorations to discover and embody my own deepest soul purpose. And he led each person in our small group just as artfully.  Brody is an insightful, deeply compassionate and soulful purpose guide. I feel grateful to have made this journey with his guidance.  - A.A., California

I highly recommend purpose discovery work with Brody.

I was lucky to have Brody as my mentor during my Soul Purpose Discovery process. His gentle and insightful guidance helped me to go deeper into my core and become aware of my blind spots as well as my strengths. His calm and reassuring presence, yet playful, facilitated journeys into Spirit and Soul that otherwise I would not have trusted. I particularly enjoyed the weekly meetings that always seemed to flow easily and bring some unexpected magic with them. I highly recommend purpose discovery work with Brody. - N.S., Spain