SoulTrue | Purpose + Impact Consultancy

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Circle of Gratitude

Gratitude is a creative force of the heart that liberates, transforms, heals, and blesses whatever it embraces.

Much has been studied and written about the benefits of a gratitude practice, including stress reduction, better sleep, decreased inflammation, a feeling of fulfillment, and an overall positive mood. It benefits our well-being, and gratitude is reciprocal for those receiving your offering. 

Here is a practice to weave into your daily routine. It takes about 10 minutes.

Daily Practice: Circle of Gratitude

Time: 10 Minutes

  • This is a great practice to explore first thing in the morning or towards the end of the day.

  • Find quiet space—in your home, a garden, or somewhere out in nature.

  • Place yourself in the center of an imaginary circle about the width of your arms.

  • Ideally, you are standing so you can physically embody this practice. That said, do what's right for your body.

  • You will pivot around the circle's center like the hands of a clock, offering one gratitude at a time.

  • Invite who and what you offer gratitude to the edge of your circle. 

  • Express your appreciation silently or out loud.

  • Pivot to the right and repeat with another offering of gratitude until you've come full circle.


I Am Grateful For:

  • The abundance I have in my life such as:

  • This body

  • All is okay at this moment.

  • My wellbeing

  • My relative/s: (name whoever calls to you)

  • My friend/s: (name whoever calls to you)

  • My allies: (name whoever calls to you)

  • Nature (the sun, the elements, whatever speaks to you) 

  • Other than human beings—the four-legged and winged- all living beings in nature. 

  • What I can’t see—whatever Mystery has in the works that’s hidden, invisible, or active behind the scenes.

  • The teachers are showing up in the form of challenging experiences.

  • The ground beneath my feet.

These are just a starting point; make this your own. I’d love to hear how the practice went for you, so please leave a comment.

Grateful for you showing up.